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HuaFang Group of China

We Are Always Surpassing

Huafang Group, founded in 1975, formerly is the spinning workshop of Tangqiao Comprehensive Factory. There are only 176 employees and 1,600 spindles to have 12s cotton yarn spinned at that time. Huafang has risen rapidly in South Jiangsu Province during the past 30 plus years, and achieved fissile growth: It has grown from a small workshop with only more than one hundred employees at the beginning to the “leader in textile industry” that can influence the markets in every way; it has realized the crosswise linkage of cotton spinning, yarn-dyed, dyeing and wool spinning, weaving and dyeing from spinning one yarn at the very beginning, and now it has triple supports from textile industry, new energy industry and tertiary industry; it also has become one of the China’s top 500 enterprises and marched forward to the modernized international group from just a small local enterprise. Huafang staff has refined a cultural system with “we are surpassing ourselves all the time” as the concept, so that unique and charming “soft power” and hard-to-replicate core competitiveness have established, which forms the most precious spiritual wealth of Huafang Group. In the future, Huafang people will be driven by ourselves, work harder, surpass ourselves all the time, create the glory of Huafang with wisdom and strength, and strive for further leap of the enterprise!
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